Hi djzeratul My sample rate is correct but still only the blue mic records I've never done anything like this before so in layman's terms, the 2 different charts/graphs appear.. Hi, is Audacity required?And have you used with Skype or WebEx with this setup?Hey there :) Audacity is not required per se - it just happens to be a really good open source, free audio recording and editing program that's available for just about anyone with an Internet connection.. Step 1: Requirements and PreparationLet's start by making a list of what we're going to need for this little project :- A computer running Windows Vista or 7 (sorry, haven't had the time to try it under Ubuntu or any other Linux flavours) ;- A pair of Singstar microphones, along with their USB adapter ;Step 2: Plugging in and Setting Up the MicrophonesLet's get started with the serious business :Second, plug in the microphones into the adapter.. Step 4: ConclusionNow that everything's set up correctly, yours are the joys of recording with your USB microphones ! They're pretty good quality for the money, and now you can do whatever you like from recording yourself playing the yukulele to recording your own podcasts - who knows, a few years down the road you might end up making your own cheap recording studio like funnystuffinc taught you to in his Instructable !Can you link please an audiotest on youtube. Rosetta Stone Ultimate Language Disk V2 Download

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Hi djzeratul My sample rate is correct but still only the blue mic records I've never done anything like this before so in layman's terms, the 2 different charts/graphs appear.. Hi, is Audacity required?And have you used with Skype or WebEx with this setup?Hey there :) Audacity is not required per se - it just happens to be a really good open source, free audio recording and editing program that's available for just about anyone with an Internet connection.. Step 1: Requirements and PreparationLet's start by making a list of what we're going to need for this little project :- A computer running Windows Vista or 7 (sorry, haven't had the time to try it under Ubuntu or any other Linux flavours) ;- A pair of Singstar microphones, along with their USB adapter ;Step 2: Plugging in and Setting Up the MicrophonesLet's get started with the serious business :Second, plug in the microphones into the adapter.. Step 4: ConclusionNow that everything's set up correctly, yours are the joys of recording with your USB microphones ! They're pretty good quality for the money, and now you can do whatever you like from recording yourself playing the yukulele to recording your own podcasts - who knows, a few years down the road you might end up making your own cheap recording studio like funnystuffinc taught you to in his Instructable !Can you link please an audiotest on youtube. ae05505a44 Rosetta Stone Ultimate Language Disk V2 Download

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